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Conscious Dance
What is Breathwork?Breathwork refers to any type of breathing exercises or techniques. People often perform them to improve mental, physical and spiritual well-being. During breathwork you intentionally change your breathing pattern. The type of breathwork I facilitate is an ancient two-step breathing technique that I learned from Revelation Breathwork. It is a simple, safe, and extremely effective process for experiencing breakthroughs, transformation and optimal wellness in your life.
What are the Benefits?Reported Benefits of Breathwork: Boost immunity Release stress Detox the body Mental clarity Heal trauma Alkalizes the blood Increases muscle tone Enrich creativity Anti-inflammatory effect Energy boost Mood elevation Develop or increase self-awareness Improve personal and professional relationships Increase confidence, self-image and self-esteem Increase joy and happiness Process emotions, heal emotional pain and trauma Overcome addictions Reduce stress and anxiety levels Release negative thoughts Breathwork is used to help improve a wide range of issues including: Anxiety Depression Anger issues Grief Chronic pain Emotional effects of illness Trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Contradictions DisclaimerPlease take note of the contraindications of breathwork. If you experience any of these, please consult your healthcare provider before you participate in this work. You can also email me with any questions. Pregnancy Cardiovascular disease Angina Heart attack High blood pressure Glaucoma Retinal detachment Osteoporosis Recent injury or surgery Any conditions for which you take regular medications History of panic attacks, psychosis Severe mental illnesses Seizure disorders Family history of aneurysms Coronavirus or flu-like symptoms
1:1 Session DetailsThe session will be personalised for you based on your intention & music preferences. You will be lovingly guided every step of the way as we journey together through an expereince unlike any other. This process includes intention setting, an oracle card reading, guided meditation, breathwork facilitation (with music), and integration. I will go over the breathing tehnique with you before we start. The active breathing portion of the session is approx 35 mins, with a 10-15 min rest at the end. The session will be approximately 75 minutes but I would advise allowing 90 minutes for yourself incase we go overtime. The session will take place on Zoom. You will be sent the Zoom link once your appointment has been booked. In special circumstances I can accomadate in-person sessions. If this is of interest to you and you live in Vancouver, please enquire about this via email before booking your session. Thank you. If you are planning to drive somewhere after the session, allow yourself time to walk around the block outside to help with the grounding process before operating machinery. Please ensure you read the 'Contraindications to Breathwork' section above before booking a session. I look forward to supporting you on your journey!
Scheduling InfoScheduling: Choose from the session options below and click on the 'Book Now' button. You will be directed to Paypal where you can puchase your session or bundle. Then click on the link to the Calendly site where you can book in your preferred time and date. You will be emailed a confirmation of your session/s. *Please note that session times are in PST time zone. Cancelation Policy: If you have to cancel a scheduled session, communication must come in with AT LEAST 24 HOURS NOTICE, or else it will count as a missed session. It is okay to reschedule with appropriate notice - the earlier the better.
Hayley is a gifted facilitator who creates unique transformational experiences for her participants. She intuitively weaves her wisdom into her offerings and holds a safe, sacred space for breakthroughs to occur. During Cosmic Flow, I felt a lot of dense energy lift, which left me feeling confident, free and connected to a higher power.
I highly recommend any of her journeys to anyone seeking to liberate mind, body and spirit!
- Leah Sonaria Emmott
Flow Priestess
Hayley guided me through my very first ecstatic dance experience. I was quite nervous beforehand, but Hayley’s calm presence and her ability to make everyone feel welcome and supported helped to remove all of my anxiety. She exudes energy and healing in her dancing, immersing the soul in a powerfully renewing experience. I intend to be a regular participant in all her future ecstatic dance events!
- Tao Kerr
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1:1 Conscious Dance Ceremony
($45 Discount!)
$85 $40 (USD)
The first (5) people to purchase this service will receive it for less than half price!
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